The Province has created CleanBC, a plan aimed at reducing climate pollution while creating more jobs and economic opportunities for people, businesses, and communities. A sub-component of that plan, the Plastics Action Plan, aims to reduce single-use plastic in British Columbia and focuses on four key outcomes:
The declaration of a climate emergency by many municipalities has propelled the development of bylaws that seek to ban or reduce single-use items— most commonly by 2020. The federal government is also seeking to expand its efforts to reduce plastic and strengthen Canada’s Environmental Protection Act.
The Province has created the Efficiency BC program to help conserve energy and make buildings healthier and more comfortable. Launched in September 2018 with matching federal funds, Efficiency BC offers:
The hotel industry has always been at the forefront of environmental policy. The BCHA will work collaboratively with all levels of government on the development of performance requirements and standards for plastics that consider its members’ operations and needs. The BCHA is committed to ensuring that any efficiency requirements are introduced gradually to allow its members time to upgrade their properties and obtain financial support to complete any required upgrades.
The goGreen program supporting sustainability for the hotel sector is a significant initiative with research and results in reporting expected by the end of 2022. Additionally BCHA works closely with the Hotel Association of Canada to support the Green Key program.
Additionally BCHA has a partnership agreement with Green Step Solutions, and Rethink2gether to support education, training and contribution for our sector.
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