The Provincial government now requires all employers to register with them before hiring foreign workers. This certification is called the Temporary Foreign Worker Act Certificate of Registration.
See link below to register your business and to apply for your certificate. There are no fees but processing time are over 4 weeks so members are encourage to register as soon as possible.
This certificate is also mandatory to include on LMIA applications and LMIA applications will be delayed or refused if a provincial certificate is not included in the application to Service Canada.
The B.C. government keeps a public registry of employers that are registered to hire foreign workers. The registry lists each employer’s name, the date they were registered as an employer and when their registration expires.
If you are renewing your registration, you will need to apply through this same process.​
Who needs to register?
You need to register if you intend to hire a temporary worker through most federal foreign worker programs:
- Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)
- Seasonal Agriculture Worker Program (SAWP)
- Home Child Care Provider or Home Support Worker pilots
- Other programs that require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
Here is the link to register: