Bringing the Olympic Games to BC in 2030 could have an enormous impact on our provincial accommodation and tourism industries. This week marks an important milestone to bring the games back to BC, with the organizing committee meeting with various councils, including the City of Vancouver.
Support the BC 2030 Olympic bid by taking the following steps as shared by the Olympic Organizing Committee:
1. Speakers
To register as a speaker, there are a few quick steps to follow:
- Click on the link:
- Press the “Request to Speak” button
- On the agenda list, the third item says “2030 Winter Games Update” – select the button to indicate “other” (clicking “support” would mean you support the City’s report recommendations, not necessarily the 2030 Winter Games)
- Select if you prefer to speak by telephone or in-person
- Select if you would or would not like to have your name publicly shared on the speakers list
- Enter your name, email address, and phone number (if calling)
- Sign up to speak by 8:30am PT on July 20th (the sooner, the better). Requests to speak must be received no later than one hour prior to the scheduled start time of the meeting
- Kindly keep your remarks to 1 or 2 minutes maximum so that the Committee can hear all speakers within the allotted time
2. Send a letter or comment to council
To leave send a letter or leave a comment, there are a few quick steps to follow:
- Click on the link:
- Press the “Send comments to Council” button
- Under the “Share your thoughts with the Mayor and Council” section, fill in the required fields
- There is an option to leave a comment, as well as an option to attach a letter of support
- Letters and comments must be submitted by 8:30am PT on July 20th, no later than one hour prior to the scheduled start time of the meeting
3. Attend and support visibly
- Supporters who do not register to speak are welcome to sit in the gallery quietly during the meeting and visibly show their support by wearing red, orange, or 2010 gear
4. Complete the engagement survey on our website
- Visit the site and complete the Engagement Survey
- You can also
- Register your email for project updates
- Share your Vancouver 2010 memories
- Find a calendar of all the upcoming community engagement pop-up events and open houses happening in the area.